Academic Agent Bails Out of Increasingly Moronic Millenniyules
Yes, it's time to deck the halls with boughs of blackpilled degenerate Nazi losers.
It looks like Academic Agent (aka Neema Parvini), the half Persian "Dissident Right" intellectual, has bailed out on this year’s Millenniyule, the end-of-year, online get-together of largely anonymous Dissident Righters, curated by a gay, pudgy failed art student and "welfare leech" Colin "Luigi" Robertson (aka Millennial Woes).
While Parvini has openly and consistently flirted with conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic tropes himself, he has decided that he couldn’t use his relatively large Dissident Right presence to endorse the batshit crazy, sub-Red-Ice crap that now passes for Millenniyule.
According to those who can be bothered to follow any of this trivial, circle-jerking, fart-sniffing shit, the bone of contention is a little beef that AA has had with effeminate Nazi, and Millenniyule guest Keef Woods. Neokrat understands that if it wasn’t for this, AA would have appeared along with all the other pond life on Millenniyule.
Another factor in AA's decision may be the long-running feud between Greg Johnson and confirmed Fed and cuckboy Richard Spencer, as Woes is essentially controlled by gay Nazi Greg Johnson, while AA has been friendly with Spencer of late.
But for anyone wanting to get some insight into how low the so-called Dissident Right has fallen in recent years, watching the Millenniyules is essential viewing.
A short amateur-hour cyber animation made by Woes to promote his annual cash cow (pls donate!) perfectly encapsulates the mindset of this pathetic group of losers.
Taking its cue from the schlocky 1970s sci-fi film "They Live," where special glasses reveal the "hidden" messages behind advertising, it shows train station ad billboards relentlessly promoting the "evil lies" of the "anti-White Jewish" elites, whose only goal, according to the sick Woes mindset, is to "black" every White woman with African cock and turn the World into a giant version of Somalia...because apparently that’s what frail, aging Jewish billionaires crave most of all, even though almost none of them actually live in present day Somalia.

Against this backdrop of race cuck rage porn, other headlines flash up some of the favourite "narratives" of the gang of shit4brains that Woes has managed to assemble this year.
"Palestinians: Barbarian Savages vs Ukrainians Brave Anti-Imperialist Heroes"
Yes, blatant Putinist propaganda!
Actually, mainstream coverage of the Gazan crisis is generally quite balanced and sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians, and you’re probably more likely to see coverage describing Israeli actions as "barbaric."
"Cut down sacred forests to tackle climate change"
This one doesn’t even make sense.
Reforestation is one thing that can’t be denied, except by circle-jerking fart sniffers wanking each other off in the shadowy darkness of their terminal depression.
OK, next dumb Millennial Woes headline:
"Government to offer cash to White Men to Get Sterilised"
Yes, it wouldn't be "poor wittle Woesy" without the constant pathetic dribble of "poor wittle whyte peepo" narratives.
Anyone who actually knows about these things, would know that non-Whites have been the overwhelming -- and I mean like 99% overwhelming -- recipients of paid sterilisation programmes, something that a eugenics-loving Nazi like Millennial Woes should be quite chuffed about (except they would probably get rid of him too on grounds of "imbecility" and "mental derangement" ).
The idiot even gets the simple stuff wrong:
"Falling Numbers Visiting Museums"
Wrong again! You think Woes would get tired of punching himself in the face with one factual error after another, but secretly he loves this kind of sick depraved mastubatory masochism.
Apart from a dip due to the pandemic, museum numbers have been consistently creeping up for decades.
Really, almost every single data point in the Woes' world is wrong. This is not surprising because they are selected purely on the basis of how well they can be lubed and inserted into the disgusting anal cavity of Woes’s pathetic victim brain, which then vomits out the crap he feeds to his even more pathetic followers.
It goes on:
"Long Covid Mostly Affecting Vaccinated People (Pfizer Announce New Drug to Combat Liong Covid)"
Another piece of conspiracy theory poop when you can just google for fact-checked sources: "Vaccinated People Are 4 Times Less Likely to Get Long COVID":
"People vaccinated before their first case of COVID-19 are diagnosed with Long COVID almost four times less than unvaccinated people, suggests a large new study published Nov. 22 in the BMJ. That’s not an entirely new finding. For years, studies have shown that, while vaccinated people can and do develop Long COVID, they are at lower risk than people who haven’t had their shots"
The funniest fake headline in the Woes videos has to be this one:
"Science: Mixed Race Children Happier Healthier and More Intelligent"
We are supposed to think, "OMG what total BS! - how can they say that? Everyone knows that mixed race kids are total fuck ups, who, borderline, want to kill themselves..." Even though I’m pretty sure no scientific studies even take much of a position on that.
This is just the shitty straw-manning that so much of the DR engages in to score illusionary victories.
But wait a minute, Woes himself is mixed race, being a product of race mixing by someone from the very North of Europe and someone from its Deep South. Maybe, after knocking his brains out with a hammer, Woes has finally hit the nail on the head.
The remaining line up of Millenniyule mental midgets is as follows, the 21st century's equivalent to visiting the "loonies" in Bedlam:
Friday 15th
0am Red Ice
2am Der Schattenmacher
8pm Eugyppius
10pm Greg Johnson
Saturday 16th
0am Kulture Dads
2am Gifts
8pm UK Column
10pm Lower World Diaries
Sunday 17th
0am Myth of the 20th Century
2am Endeavour
8pm Stefan Korte
10pm Jared Taylor
Monday 18th
0am Furius Pertinax
2am Black-Pilled
8pm Survive the Jive
10pm History Bro
Tuesday 19th
0am Lady of Shalott
2am Apollonian Germ
8pm Monokulttuuri FM
10pm The Wessex Nomad
Wednesday 20th
0am Maven Politic
2am The Distributist
7pm Godfrey Bloom
9pm Kvltgames
10pm I,Hypocrite
Winter Solstice (Neo-Nazi name for “Shortest Day of the Year”)
0am The Old Glory Club
2am The Alternative Hypothesis
8pm The Traditional Britain Group
10pm Laurence Easeman
Friday 22nd
0am Collective Dismal
1am Zeitgeist Reviews
2am Mr Dee
8pm Dangerfield
10pm Wyatt Stagg
Saturday 23rd
0am Off-Grid Ireland
2am Robyn Riley
4am AntiDem
8pm The Woodlander
10pm Homeland Institute
Christmas Eve
0am JF Gariepy
2am Semiogogue
8pm David Scott
10pm Frodi Midjord
Christmas Day (Neo-Nazi name for "Happy Holidays")
0am Pox Populi
2am Christmas Cards
Wednesday 27th
10pm SURPRISE GUEST (probably the Ghost of Adolf Hitler, a relatively sane and balanced individual in this cucked and moronic line-up)
Thursday 28th
8pm Martin Lichtmesz
Saturday 30th
8pm Borgoth
That I am the Surprise Guest on 27 December 2023 might cheer a few people up.